What advice would you give 16 year old you?

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Our Managing Director Jamie was invited back to his high school, St Gregory’s, earlier this month to speak to the departing class of 2018 at their leavers evening. After seeing a news story about Jamie’s work with The Princes Trust, Mr. McLeod the Assistant Head Teacher, contacted Jamie to ask would he come back to speak to the students as someone that has gone on to be successful after leaving the school.

Mr. McLeod asked Jamie to prepare a short talk on what advice he would have given himself at 16 years old and asked for help giving out awards to the top performing students on the evening.

Speaking after the evening Jamie said “Being asked to visit St Greg’s was a nice trip down memory lane, although the brief about what advice would I give the 16-year-old Jamie was a really tough question to answer. I hope what I spoke about was useful for the students as they take the next step in their lives”

Mr. McLeod added “We really appreciate Jamie taking the time out to come and share his experiences with the students. His messages about working hard, persistence and to be always learning went down well and hopefully, they’ve got some inspiration about what can be achieved now they have left school”

Pictured is Jamie with Head Teacher Mr. McGlinchey and one of the award-winning students.