Deansgate Manchester declared a no-traffic zone from May

Manchester City Centre

One of the main streets of Manchester has recently been changed to a no vehicle zone as a trial that could become permanent according to council bosses.

The move comes as people have been calling for more space for people to exercise during the CV19 lockdown.

Barriers have been installed so emergency services and bikes can still have full access, but buses and taxis do not, so diversions have been put in place.

Loading times have been agreed of 6am – 8am Monday to Saturday, to ensure local businesses can still accept deliveries but it could present some challenges for urgent deliveries between those hours.

Councillor Angeliki Stogia gave this statement about the changes “The temporary pedestrianisation of part of Deansgate is about people and their safety as they gradually return to work or visit local businesses. It will aid the city’s recovery from the coronavirus pandemic by making sure that there is more space for people in this area.

I’d encourage everyone to give us their feedback and let us know how the scheme affects them so that we can work together to make it a success.

We’re also decluttering and widening footways at a series of other busy locations across the city, This will make it easier for people to socially distance as they get around our city centre, as they return to work or if they wish to visit shops and businesses once they are able to reopen.”

If you’re a Deansgate regular and would like to provide feedback to the council they can be emailed on